Nov 19, 2010

A Day At The Zoo...

I know I said I would be talking about kids parties in the next post but I fancied this instead...

We went to the zoo about a week ago and it was a lovely day. We're all 'Friends of the Zoo', which means that after an initial out lay of about $80 we get a pass to go to the Melbourne Zoo for 12 months for free. It's fantastic, especially with a little one. So as a result over the past few years we've got to know all the animals pretty well. 

The Gorillas at Melbourne Zoo all have different personalities. Rigo (below) is the Silver-back and he is usually a pretty laid back kind of guy. Except when his girls get out of line.

Everyone loves the Butterfly House. I love it most towards the end of the day when most visitors have gone and there's only a few people left inside. It's calm and quiet. Peaceful.

This little bundle of joy is Ongard, our newest baby elephant. The 2 month old is always up for a play. He never fails to amaze.

This is Santan (broad faced) & Menyaru (smaller). Father & Son. The Orang House is expecting a new arrival soon. Maimunah (not pictured) is expecting.

The Great Flight Aviary is an old exhibit but is still full of wonderful sites. I caught these two Spoon Bills having a little flirt with each other. If you hang around long enough at each exhibit you never know what you might be witness to.

We go to the Zoo a lot. Look out for more updates from the Zoo in the future!                                                                                                                                                               

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